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Interesting facts from the history of Armenian tourism


"Star" rank system of Armenian hotels

In order to explain people that a hotel or a “khan” has three floors, there was one star on the firstfloor, two stars on the second floor, and three stars on the third floor. The same situation waswith "four star" and "five star" hotels.

The largest hotels owned by Armenians

South - East Asia

In 1886 in Singapore the Sarkis brothers built the famous "Raffles Hotel" at which suchcelebrities as R. Kipling, S. Maugham, R. Kennedy, А. Gardner and others liked to stay.


In 1802 in Bucharest the Armenian merchant and diplomat Manuk Bey (Marzayan) designed andbuilt the wonderful hotel "Khan Manuk", an architectural treasure of the Romanian capital.


In 1898 in Calcutta the millionaire and real-estate baron Aratun Steve (Stepanyan), an engineerby training, built the "Grand Hotel" at which British viceroys stayed and lived.

Other countries

In the famous detective fiction "Murder on the Orient Express" by Agatha Christie the maincharacters gathered at the Tokatlian Hotel before boarding the "death express".


Cafe and restaurant

Artificial Stone Factory

Travel Agency

Armenian Heritage